Bracelet Helper • Easy Tool to Assist with Putting on Bracelets By Yourself
Ever had trouble trying to put on a bracelet by yourself? I know the frustration!
Avoid future aggravation with this super handy tool: the bracelet helper!
Follow these steps to easily put on your bracelet:
1) Attach the helper's clip to the end of your bracelet (the end without the clasp)
2) Hold the tool in the hand that the bracelet is going on with the bracelet hanging over your wrist
3) Use your other hand to bring the bracelet clasp around to the clip
4) Attach your bracelet clasp to the bracelet
There's a bonus tool on the other end as well! You can use this tool to help button sleeves. Simply thread the looped end through the button-hole, place the loop around the button and pull it through the button-hole.
Can also use the looped end to assist with buttoning sleeves; thread the looped end through the button-hole, place the loop around the button and pull it through the button-hole.